Omar Suleiman, Abou Ismail out of Presidential Race

Sources in The Presidential Election Commission said that the commission ruled out both of Omar Suleiman and Hazem Salah Abou Ismail. This was after the commission examined the submitted documents and grievances as well hearing the 10 barred candidates’ defense.

The commission made sure that Omar Suleiman hasn’t finished the proxies. As for Abou Ismail, it has proved that his mother held the American nationality, Sources added.

The commission is still considering the other grievances during the meeting in the commission’s headquarters in Heliopolis; as it hasn’t considered yet the grievance of Khairat Al-shater in which he assured that the military court granted him amnesty in the two cases 1995 and 2007.

Khairat Al-shater’s attorney Abdel Monem Abdel Maksoud, for his side, said the barred candidate hasn’t received any official respond on “Al-shater” grievance which was submitted yesterday to the commission.

It is expected that the final result will be announced at 4 PM, as the commission will announce the final slate.

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