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Citizen Journalism
What makes technology delicious?
Until Steve Jobs came along, apple was just a fruit that made my salad delicious and Mango, the king of fruits as…
World Bank Announces “Broadband Connectivity Initiative” for Middle East and North Africa
The World Bank launched a regional initiative to improve broadband connectivity in the Middle East and North Africa…
I’m The President: A Campaign To Choose Egyptian President From The Youth
“I’m the president” Campaign is carried out by young independent youth belonging to different political…
10 Ways to Build a Business Culture like Apple
One of the big advantages of being an entrepreneur and starting your company from scratch is that you get to set…
For working women the future is bright
In the lead up to International Women’s Day on 8th March, London Business School’s Women in Business Club…
Vladimir Putin is a survivor. But Russians are increasingly fed up with his shady methods
If a tearful Vladimir Putin feels emotionally overwhelmed by his election victory in Russia, he might care to…
2015: a social movement using art to help alleviate poverty in the Arab world
2015 is a social movement using art and creativity to raise awareness, change perceptions and take actions towards…
Google risks the same European fate as Microsoft
Google’s stance against the European Commission on the subject of privacy – rolling out its new policy…
Cautioning against Dow 13,000 exuberance
The Dow Jones industrial average finally closed above 13,000 Tuesday — for the first time in nearly four years —…