NILEX delivers Fluid Performance in Tuesday’s Trading

NILEX’s listed stocks have given fluid performance during Tuesday’s trading session after being traded in 8 securities in which 3 rose, 3 downed and 2 remained flat. Egypt Intercontinental for Granite & Marble (MISR) (EGY-STON) has recorded a rise of 5% to close at L.E7.35 recording turnovers reached L.E90.364 thousand though 12.300 thousand shares within 22 transactions.

Misr Kuwait Investment (MKIT) has come next to have a bonus of 2.95% closing at L.E1.19 through turnovers reached L.21.527 thousand with 18.019 thousand shares within 11 transactions.

Al-Moasher for Programming and Information Dissemination (AMPI) has also an increase of 1.95% to close at L.E1.57 recording turnovers of L.E94.457 thousand though 60 thousand shares within 19 transactions.

On the other hand, the decline incurred during NILEX’s trading session was led by El-Badr Plastic Co. (EBDP) that has witnessed a loss of 4.90% to close at L.E7.57 recording turnovers reached L.E20.628 thousand though 2.725 thousand shares within 3 transactions.

Utopia Real Estate Investment and Tourism (UTOP) has come second to witness a dip of  4.77% to close at L.E60.93 recording turnovers reached L.E534.933 thousand through 8.779 thousand shares within 56 transactions.

BIG Trade and Investment (BIGP) has come third to witness a decrease of 4.62% to close at L.E2.48 topping the amount of turnovers reached L.E165.553 through a volume of trading reached 66.820 shares within 19 transactions.

Elsewhere, the shares owned by Univert for Food Industries (UNFO) and AMICO Medical Industries remained flat.

Mada Said

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