AstraZeneca opens sustainable offices at Dubai Science Park

AstraZeneca inaugurated its new sustainable offices in Dubai Science Park, a member of the TECOM Group PJSC.

The offices mark a key step along the company’s carbon footprint reduction journey in the United Arab Emirates.

The plan comprises transitioning to electric vehicles (EV100) by 2025 and launching its first next-generation inhaler with a near-zero global warming potential propellant in the UAE market.

The new premises spans an area of 20,000 square feet. The new design aims to achieve platinum standards of the US Green Building Council, to join the 5000 offices in the World that meets platinum standard. 

 Climate change is the biggest threat to human health, which is why, as a healthcare company, we have a duty to act, ” said Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Cluster President of AstraZeneca, in the opening ceremony on Monday.


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