EU signs deal for sustainable aviation fuel targets

The European Union has signed on Tuesday a deal to set mandatory targets for European airlines usage of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

The proposal specifies for aviation fuel suppliers to contain at least 2 percent of SAF by 2025. The percentage is to reach 6 percent in 2030, and 20 percent in 2035. In the years following 2035, the percentage is to increase every five years until it reaches 70 percent by 2050.

Aviation is considered a challenging sector to be decarbonised, while currently contributing with around 2.5 percent of global carbon emissions. European airlines will receive around €2bln from the EU carbon market to fund their transition towards SAF.

The signed deal awaits to be formally approved by European parliaments in order to become an effective law. It is perceived using sustainable fuels, in addition to carbon offsetting, will contribute with more than 80 percent of emissions reduction.


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