Explore Egypt’s Great Pyramid with new virtual tour

Egyptian Great Pyramid of Giza can be seen now virtually from the comfort of your own home for the first time ever and cost-free through the Digital Giza project that conducted by Harvard University.

The Giza Project gives visitors access to the largest collection of information, media, and research materials ever assembled about the Pyramids and related sites on Egypt’s Giza Plateau.

The visitors can take a tour through Giza 3D at Harvard University’s website, which takes you down into the sights that could be viewed if you were there in person.

There are tunnels and stone hallways that take you to tombs, monuments, displays and artifacts of various historical figures and happenings.

Moreover, the visitors can find guided tours including a walking tour of the Giza plateau, Khafre Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid Temple, Khafre Valley Temple, Khufu Pyramid, Khufu Pyramid Temple, Khufu Valley Temple and Menkaure Pyramid.



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