Knowledge Action Change decries exclusion of tobacco harm reduction consumer groups

The UK public health group Knowledge Action Change (KAC), condemns the exclusion of tobacco harm reduction consumer groups from the main discussions of the COP 10 to the World Health Organisation‘s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

COP 10 was supposed to take place in Panama this month, but was postponed to an unspecified date in 2024.

In its latest report, released as part of the Global Tobacco Harm Reduction Initiative and translated into 13 languages, KAC revealed that there are nearly 112 million people worldwide using low-risk nicotine products.

The KAC report states that ignoring the importance of global consumer advocacy groups or their exclusion from discussions shaping international nicotine policies will deprive the conference of the opportunity to learn from real-world insights and experiences to support the future of tobacco harm reduction policies.

The report identified 54 consumer advocacy groups for tobacco harm reduction products in Western Europe, Latin America, Africa, North America, as well as the Asia-Pacific markets. However, the report did not identify any consumer advocacy groups in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, or the Middle East. The report also noted that many of these groups were affiliated with four regional umbrella organisations, covering Latin America (ARDT Iberoamerica), Africa (CASA), Europe (ETHRA), and Asia-Pacific (CAPHRA).

Moreover, the report asserts that consumer groups, which are founded by people who have switched from traditional cigarettes to safer alternatives, have essential insights into how to solve the problem of smoking. They know the needs of smokers and how consumers use alternative products. With an estimated 1.1 billion people currently smoking worldwide, and an estimated 8 million smoking-related deaths each year, the experience and insights of people who have found different ways to quit smoking become a very key element that politicians and regulators should take into consideration.

KAC’s report continues to assert that silencing millions of these voices on issues that directly affect them is unacceptable, especially in the face of widespread opposition from the WHO to the harm reduction concept. It is pushing participants in the conference towards a predetermined outcome of imposing severe restrictions and bans on products that could save lives.

For his part, Gerry Stimson, co-founder of KAC, called for the need to listen to consumer advocacy groups, as their experiences are a testament to the possibility of harm reduction.

As in other similar public health fields, there must be recognition of the contribution that consumer advocacy groups can make to guide decision-making at meetings such as the COP10, Stimson said.

The report notes that consumer advocacy groups are educating their fellow consumers and policymakers without any funding where the total funding received by all 52 consumer groups included in the Global Tobacco Harm Reduction Initiative study in 2022 was $309,810.

Meanwhile the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids received $160 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies in order to launch a global campaign against vape flavours, which is highly important for people who are switching from cigarettes, over a three-year period.

Jessica Harding, director of External Engagement at Public Health Group KAC, who herself quit smoking using e-cigarettes said: “The funding discrepancy between the anti-tobacco harm reduction lobby and these groups is vast, yet consumer advocates are very successful at ensuring the voices of those most affected can be heard.”

The report concluded by stating that in other similar areas of public health, there is recognition of the importance of lived experience in decision-making. Similarly, world governments should recognise consumers of safer nicotine products as important voices in the collective efforts to reduce the harm of smoking.

Established 40 years ago, KAC is a leading tobacco harm reduction organisation.


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