Top 50 Women Forum lauds Maya Morsy’s appointment as Egypt’s Social Solidarity Minister

The Top 50 Women Forum warmly congratulates Maya Morsy on assuming the role of Minister of Social Solidarity in the latest government overhaul.

The appointment represents a culmination of Morsy’s commendable achievements throughout her public service career, including her leadership of Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) and other significant positions, the Forum added in a statement on Thursday.

In the statement, the Forum’s members emphasised that selecting Morsy for this crucial ministerial portfolio reflects the political leadership’s unwavering confidence in her professional competence and extensive international experience.

“Her responsibilities are closely tied to sustainable development objectives, reinforcing the foundations of Egypt’s social fabric, ensuring family stability, and shaping government policies related to solidarity and community development.” the members added.

Champion for Women Takes Charge

Morsy has made remarkable strides in empowering Egyptian women and facilitating their ascent to prominent roles. “Since assuming leadership of the National Council for Women in February 2016, she has tirelessly championed women’s issues both locally and internationally. Her steadfast commitment has solidified her presence across various sectors and earned her the trust of political leaders.”

With over 26 years of experience spanning national, regional, and international organisations—including the NCW, the United Nations, and the United States Agency for International Development—Morsy brings a wealth of expertise to her new role. Her tenure is expected to usher in a transformative phase for the Ministry of Solidarity.

The Forum also expressed gratitude to Nivine El-Kabbag for her outstanding contributions during her leadership of the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Her efforts significantly impacted community development across multiple domains, it added.

Dina Abdel Fattah, Founder and Chairperson of Top 50 Women Forum, said Morsy’s selection as the new Minister of Social Solidarity has been widely welcomed and applauded by all entities concerned with the societal development file. Her extensive experience and exceptional ability to mobilise resources position her well to lead the Ministry of Solidarity toward achieving the government’s goals.

“Dr. Maya Morsy’s wealth of experience and strong personal qualities will propel the Ministry of Solidarity towards a qualitative leap, achieving the critical goals set by the political leadership.” Abdel Fattah noted.

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