19 Egyptian Companies Rank In Top Arab World Companies: Forbes

Nineteen Egyptian companies ranked in the Top Companies in the Arab World 2015 list, putting Egypt in the fourth place after Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar, Forbes Middle East reported Wednesday.

Last year, Egyptian companies were absent in the list but it made the Top 500 companies list, placing fourth in terms of number of companies contributed to the list.

The list features only publicly-listed companies, Forbes highlighted. The magazine added that was based “on disclosed financial statements for 2014, collated from stock markets across the region”.

“Criteria considered when producing the list included total revenues, net earnings, total assets, and market valuation. The latter was based on April 1, 2015 closing prices,” it added.

Egypt did not place, however, in the list of Top Private Companies Making an Impact. The country stands in third place in the World’s Richest Arabs list with the Sawiris and Mansour families possessing seats in the top twenty spots.

Source: Daily News Egypt

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