Egypt’s Mufti: Sewage Pollution Prevents Citizens From Working, Production

The Grand Egyptian Mufti Dr.Aly Gomaa urged Egyptians to take in consideration the sewage pollution dilemma for it can cause Hepatitis C which bans the citizens from working and production.

He added during Partnership Community For Sanitation Projects in Villages meeting which was held at the headquarters of the Holding Company For Drinking Water and Sanitation last Thursday, that there is a  need to speed up putting deterrent regulations for the the NGOs. The Grand Mufti further said the current regulations could not manage to put an end to the dilemma.


Moreover, Dr. Aly Gomaa explained that the implementation of sanitation projects in the deprived villages need EGP 80 billion  according to the studies conducted by the Ministry of Housing,Utilities and Urban Development. He said EGP 80 billion can be collected easily through the donation of every citizen of EGP 1000.

Dr. Gomaaa confirmed that this project requires to launch sustained campaigns of mosques, churches, media and schools, and to open a bank account dedicated to this project to put on it the donations and Zakat .

He also asserted that the sewage project in villages is pivotal to control the rest of community system, so everyone’s contribution and participation are required.

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