China tightens screws on carbon emissions for 2030 peak

China is ramping up its efforts to curb carbon emissions as it aims to reach a peak in pollution by 2030. The Chinese government has unveiled a new “dual-control” system that will target both overall emissions and emissions per unit of economic output. The new system will come into force during the 2026-2030 five-year plan period.

This marks a significant shift from the previous focus on carbon intensity, which has allowed emissions to grow alongside the economy. Under the new plan, provinces and cities will be assigned carbon budgets, and industries like power, steel, and petrochemicals will face stricter emissions quotas.

Environmental groups have welcomed the move as a crucial step towards decoupling economic growth from carbon emissions. However, challenges remain in implementing and enforcing these new measures.

China’s actions have global implications, as the world’s largest emitter takes steps to address climate change.

Attribution: Reuters

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