Egypt industry: Gov. tackles industry issues

The Egyptian government is actively addressing the concerns of key industrial sectors, with a focus on the ceramic and automotive industries. During a recent ministerial meeting, representatives from the Ceramic Industry Division of the Building Materials Industries Chamber (CBMI) raised several pressing issues.

These included the need for facilitated repayment of energy debts by factories, a review of gas pricing tailored to the ceramic industry—recognised as both medium energy-intensive and labour-intensive—and the implementation of measures to protect local products from unfairly priced imports.

Furthermore, in response to these concerns, Karim Badawi, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, confirmed that the ministry is currently studying fair gas pricing strategies to align with the state’s broader industrial development goals. He also noted that there will be coordinated efforts between the Ministries of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and Finance to streamline the process of gas bill collection from factories.

This approach aims to provide a stable and supportive environment for both the ceramic and automotive industries, ensuring their continued growth and contribution to the national economy.

Attribution: Egyptian Cabinet statement

Subediting: M. S. Salama

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