IFC invests $50m in Thai gender-inclusive, social bond

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) announced on Monday a $50 million investment in a gender-inclusive social bond issued by Muangthai Capital Public Company Limited (MTC), a leading non-banking financial institution (NBFI) in Thailand.

Proceeds from the social bond will be allocated to loans for women-owned or led micro entrepreneurs, particularly those with limited access to affordable formal financing. MTC is the first NBFI in Thailand to issue a gender-inclusive social bond.

Parithad Petampai, Deputy Managing Director of MTC, emphasised the company’s commitment to financial equality and equal access to services.

By investing in the social bond, MTC aims to expand financial accessibility and support people across Thai society, establishing itself as a leading model in microfinance and fostering a more equitable society.

IFC’s investment follows a gender-finance baseline study conducted in collaboration with the Australian government’s Women’s Economic Empowerment, Financing, and Inclusion Platform (WEE-FIP). The study identified opportunities for MTC to further support women entrepreneurs through financial services.

Attribution: IFC statement

Subediting: Y.Yasser

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