Facebook Initiative to Reform NUCA’s Leadership

The coalition of the New Urban Communities Authority Movement has launched an initiative on the social networking website “Facebook” to define the names of the Authority staff that can be in charge of leading positions at the Authority during the coming period. The aim of this initiative is to allow the employees to nominate and vote for people to replace the current officials.

The coalition is determined to fire the current leaders of the Authority who belong to the military institution, emphasizing that they are not qualified and that they took office under the former regime.

The coalition believes that the statements of the Minister of Housing Dr.Tarek Wafiq regarding ending the military rule in the Ministry do not represent any obstacle for the movement’s demands  to abolish the presence of military people in the Authority.

On the other hand, a number of employees at the Authority responded to the initiative and nominated a number of names that they see as capable of leading the Authority. However, there is a lot of controversy concerning the people who are known only to a limited number of employees.

An official source stated that Dr. Tarek Wafiq has not visited the Authority’s headquarter at Sheikh Zayed up till now despite the continuous calls from the employees upon the Minister to pay them a visit and discuss their problems. The source expected that the Minister will visit the Authority’s headquarter by the beginning of the next week.

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