Aluminum Plant Lacks Fire Alarm System: Al-Damrany

Barakat Al-Damrany, a member of the Secretariat of the coordination committee of Labour Rights and Trade Union in Upper Egypt, affirmed that the Aluminum plant operates without an automatic fire alarm system, which has resulted in burning the whole building and the surrounding ones. This plant is one of the most important sources of national income in Egypt as it comes after the Suez Canal and is considered of a great Arab and Egyptian economic value.

He also accused the plant’s Board of Directors and the industrial security of being careless to their responsibility regarding protecting employees at the factory; they failed to provide security to those working amid flammable substances.

Al-Damrany, also highlighted the necessity of designing a security system for all the buildings of the factory, a system that can automatically prevent the occurrence of such disasters, taking into consideration the the nature of the climate and the high temperature in Upper Egypt.

He added that the factory will experience a dilemma during the next few months, given that it needs to be reconstructed in order to avoid any great losses. And in case it runs out of blocks, the company will have to import blocks, which will require great expenses. Al-Damrany also asked for declaring the results of the investigations on a public level and presenting the accused person to immediate trial.

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