Apple, Micron heads visit Beijing amid rising tensions

Apple and Micron executives made a low-profile trip to Beijing this week, meeting with top Chinese officials as the US considers new tech restrictions against China.

Apple’s Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams and Micron’s President Sanjay Mehrotra were part of a US business delegation that met with Vice-Premier He Lifeng and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday.

He urged American companies to actively participate in China’s economic development, according to state media.

During a meeting, Wang discussed the results of the Chinese Communist Party’s Third Plenum, a crucial gathering that determined the country’s economic direction.

He also urged members of the US-China Business Council in Beijing to promote a better understanding of China in the US. Williams and Mehrotra serve as directors of the organisation.

The Chinese foreign ministry did not name the Apple and Micron executives at the gathering, but they were shown in photos. This meeting coincides with Washington’s efforts to tighten trade restrictions on advanced technology exports to China.

US companies are navigating a delicate balance as they are urged to reduce ties with China, a crucial production base and market.

Apple depends on China for about 20 per cent of its sales, while Micron has been challenged since Beijing banned its products from critical infrastructure last year.

An Apple representative in China did not respond to a comment request, and Micron did not reply to an email seeking comment outside regular office hours.

Understanding Beijing’s political landscape has become crucial for foreign tech companies in China. Tighter regulations on foreign products in state sectors raised concerns about Apple’s future in the country.

The emergence of local competitors like Huawei led to significant price reductions on iPhones to maintain sales levels.

Attribution: Bloomberg

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