Bankers Criticize Amer’s Resignation Announcements

Bankers criticized Tarek Amer, National bank of Egypt Chairman and head of Egyptian Banks Federation, after his resignation announcement , and described this act as being irresponsible and unacceptable as he chairs a great bank whose portfolio with more than EGP 3 billion value.

Sources said that NBE’s chairman’s resignation announcement is a result of the continuing disagreements with the bank’s employees, due to “imaginary” salaries of external employees irritating many of the bank’s workers. These disagreements were fuelled again in February 13th 2011, where NBE’s employees demonstrated demanding Amer’s to leave office.

Amer submitted his resignation in writing to Farouk El-Okdah, the governor of Central bank of Egypt, expressing his discontent from the bank employees position adding that they didn’t appreciate achievements and reforms implemented through last period.

Sources also criticized Amer’s confusion between his role in economy and his political activities. They said that his efforts in communicating with Investors associations to remove their credit obstacles in 2011 were meant to boost his political position clarifying that these efforts made no difference. Besides, he is used to talk about his political views and not focusing on NBE’s issues when interviewed by the media, sources said.

Sources added that Amer announced his resignation from NBE and Federation of Egyptian Banks by next December, 6 months before the end of financial year; so that no one would interfere in his brutal decision about laying off 150 workers after their demonstrations, charging 18 of them with drug abuse. In addition, Amer’s income exceeds the maximum income limit which Egyptian government is planning to apply, sources concluded.

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