CAPMAS: 99% of Egyptian land provides food security

Egypt’s Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) reported on Monday the contribution of agricultural land to the different activities of the Egyptian society.

The report revealed that 99 per cent of agricultural land provides food security to its holders, while 94 per cent of agricultural land has official documentation guaranteeing legal rights for holders.

It also indicated that 91 per cent of the land is productive and sustainable for agriculture, indicating good soil quality and responsible management practices.

Financial sustainability is also promising, with 89 per cent of agricultural land achieving profitability and providing good net income for holders. Furthermore, 58 per cent of land offers wage rates that ensure a decent living for workers.

Meanwhile, 74 per cent of land adheres to safe pesticide use limits, and only 70 per cent has access to irrigation water, the report added.

Similarly, crop productivity shows potential for growth, with 67 per cent of land achieving acceptable yields. Additionally, 66 per cent of agricultural land adopts measures to reduce excessive fertiliser use.

Attribution: Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics statement

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