China initiates anti-dumping probe against Canadian rapeseed imports

China on Monday initiated an anti-dumping investigation into imported rapeseed from Canada, its Ministry of Commerce announced the decision on Monday. The Chinese ministry stating that the probe is in accordance with Chinese law and World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules.

The ministry said there is evidence that Canada had been dumping rapeseed exports to China, causing harm to China’s domestic industry. The anti-dumping probe is a legitimate trade measure aimed at protecting domestic industries and is not discriminatory, unlike Canada’s recent actions against Chinese products.

The ministry explained that such investigations can be initiated either by industry applications or by the relevant authorities. Due to the decentralised nature of China’s rapeseed industry, the authorities have chosen to launch the investigation independently.

The investigation will be conducted in an open and transparent manner, in compliance with Chinese law and WTO rules. The ministry will ensure that all stakeholders’ rights are protected and that the rulings are fair and impartial.

According to reports, Canada exported $3.47 billion worth of rapeseed to China in 2023, a 170 per cent increase from the previous year. Prices have also been declining.

On September 6, China submitted a consultation request to Canada at the WTO regarding Canada’s planned surtaxes on electric vehicles, steel, and aluminum products from China. China argues that these surtaxes violate Canada’s WTO commitments and are examples of unilateralism and trade protectionism.

Attribution: Xinhua

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