China launches 1st sustainable aviation fuel technical centre

China’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAAC) has launched the country’s inaugural technical centre for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Chengdu, as reported by the aviation regulator’s news channel on Tuesday.

The new centre, located in Chengdu, will lead efforts in policy development and establish standards for SAF products and quality control, according to two industry executives familiar with the launch.

China, the world’s second-largest aviation market consuming approximately 11 per cent of global jet fuel, is expected to announce its 2030 SAF policy this year, potentially catalysing billions in investments, as per Reuters’ May report.

Despite limited test flights, China currently does not produce SAF commercially for domestic use. Over $1 billion is being invested by biofuel firms to construct China’s first facilities converting waste cooking oil into aviation fuel for export, aiming to meet domestic demand once mandated by Beijing to reduce emissions.

CAAC is also working towards creating a Chinese certification system for sustainable fuels.

The new centre is establishing testing facilities for emerging products, with projections suggesting China’s annual aviation fuel consumption could surpass 50 million metric tons by 2030, and SAF usage potentially reaching 2.5 million tons annually.

SAF, derived from sustainably sourced waste and residues like used cooking oil and animal fats, or processed from renewable hydrogen, offers a promising pathway to reduce aviation emissions.

Attribution: Reuters.

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