EGX’s Morning Flops Shrink, loses L.E695m in Mid Day-Trading

During Monday’s mid-day trading, EGX has managed to decrease its morning flops to lose L.E695 million. Therefore, the market capital for the listed stocks has reached L.E378.933 billion. EGX30 has witnessed a dip of 0.20% to reach 5207p, while EGX20 has witnessed a rise of 0.05% to reach 6141p. In addition, EGX70 has witnessed a slump of 0.19% to reach 5069p; the EGX100 has downed by 0.25% to reach 8501p.

The market has recorded turnovers of L.E274.017 million through a volume of trading amounted to 82.056 million shares for the 16.4 thousand transactions.

167 listed securities have been traded in, 90 of them downed, and 60 rose, while 17 remained flat.

The main reason for the mid day trading’s decline is that Egyptian and foreign investors were responsible for the selling activity. The Egyptians have made up of 82.03% of the total market recording L.E38.295 million as the difference amount between their sales and purchases. Foreigners have made up of 12.67% of the total market recording L.E28.185 as the difference amount between their sales and purchases.

On the other hand, Arab investors have made up purchasing activities of 5.31% of the total market marking L.E10.110 thousand as the difference amount between their purchases and sales activities.

Mada Said

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