Egypt’s Consulate In Istanbul Opens Its Doors For Egyptians, Provides Shelter

Ms. Wafaa al-Hadidi, Consul General of Egypt in Istanbul, has ordered to let the Egyptian Consulate open throughout 24 hours in order to receive the Egyptian citizens who need shelter from the current turmoil in Istanbul.

The Consulate has already received Egyptian citizens, who asked to stay there as they weren’t able to go back there homes on the account of the clashes erupted in the city.

The Egyptian Consulate in Istanbul sent urgent appeal to the Egyptian citizens and tourists there to keep away from Taksim Square and surrounding cities, especially after increasing the number of the injuries. It also assigned the emergency phone numbers for the citizens so that they can call for help. These phone numbers are 00902123242133 or 00902123242160 or 00905432881544.

The Egyptian Consulate denied what has been disseminated by the media about injuring an Egyptian woman; confirming that the woman is an Arab one not an Egyptian.


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