Eurozone investor morale hits lowest since January

Investor morale in the euro zone declined for the third consecutive month in September, reaching its lowest level since January. The Sentix index for the eurozone fell to -15.4 points in September, down from -13.9 in August and worse than the -12.5 points forecast by analysts.

The survey, conducted from September 5–9 among 1,142 investors, showed a slight recovery in expectations, with the index rising to -8.0 from -8.8 in August. However, the current situation score dropped to -22.5 from 19.0.

In Germany, investor sentiment deteriorated further, with the index falling to -34.7 in September from -31.1 in August. The current situation index in Germany also decreased, dropping to -48.0 from 42.8.

Sentix attributed the drop to political and economic instability in Germany and noted that investor hope now hinges on potential supportive monetary policies.

Attribution: Reuters

Subediting: M. S. Salama

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