Huawei launches $300m cloud zone in Egypt

Huawei Cloud has expanded its presence in North Africa by launching its first cloud zone in Egypt, with a $300 million investment, marking a milestone as the first company to provide public cloud services in the country, the Cabinet reported. The new cloud services shall be available to 28 African countries.

Minister of Communications, Amr Talat, highlighted the importance of data in the rapidly growing artificial intelligence (AI) sector. He emphasised that data is crucial for the accuracy of AI results, as the more data AI systems have access to, the more precise their outputs become.

Experts predict a surge in data production, prompting countries to prioritise generating data in their native languages to showcase their cultures and values, as per the statement.

This launch brings Huawei’s latest technologies to Egypt, positioning it as a key regional hub for digital transformation capabilities.

Huawei’s President of Global Marketing and Sales stated Jacqueline Shi noted that countries like Egypt, Ethiopia, and Algeria will benefit from Huawei Cloud’s services.

She stressed on the importance of developing artificial intelligence capabilities in local languages to preserve culture and improve efficiency across industries.

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