Social Housing Project Queries Resume

Queries about the destination of the Social Housing project have been renewed after the feast vacation by the applicants “receipts owners”.

Citizens affirmed that the Ministry told them to wait for the new Minister and all details about the project will be announced in newspapers during their visited to the ministry of Housing headquarter, but till now, their queries have not been answered.

They added that the applicants have nothing to do, except waiting for a ministerial statement about the project.

One applicant pointed out that the armed forces have built only 12.000 apartments in the city known as “‘El Gyesh Wel Sha’ab” (Army and People).  He added that although this is not considered an achievement in a project that aims at establishing one million apartments, he is still satisfied that one of the apartments is allocated for him even if it will be built after 5 years.

One the other hand, one of the employees appointed to answer the citizens’ questions stated that there are no new instruction regarding the project up till now, stressing that there are many inquiries about the project and that the citizens are waiting for announcing the results of the sort-out process which will be conducted to specify the applicants who meet the requirements.

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