Russia-based Rosatom starts production on Egypt’s nuclear power plant

Russia’s energy company, Rosatom announced on Thursday the start of production in the Egyptian nuclear power plant in El-Dabaa, which aims to generate a total of 4,800 megawatts through four reactors.

The project will cost $30 billion, 85 percent of which financed through a Russian loan of $25 billion with a 3 percent interest rate, according to a Russian news agency.

The Russian announcement proves the interest of the existence of a common political between the two countries to implement all projects and agreements signed in all fields.

Egyptian high-level delegation head by the chief of Egypt’s Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA), Amgad al-Wakeel visited Moscow, where the equipment for the plant is producing.

The Egyptian delegation inspected two new power units with third-generation VVER-1200 reactors developed at the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, which they operated in 2018 and 2021 respectively, according to NPPA statement.

El-Dabaa project is progressing without any interruption or restrictions, Wakeel said.  He believed that El-Dabaa project will contribute to raise the prosperity of the Egyptians within the coming decades.

In his side, Ali Abdel Nabi, former NPPA deputy head, assured that the visit carries many political and technical dimensions, as it responses to the arguments over the destiny of El-Dabaa plant since the Russian-Ukrainian war begun.

“The Russian announcement of the start of manufacturing and the visit of the Egyptian delegation to Moscow are proof that the Egyptian nuclear project will not affected by the war and is proceeding according to the project’s schedule,” Nabi said.

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