Russia lifts dollar rate to 91.48 roubles

The Bank of Russia announced on Tuesday new official exchange rates for the dollar, euro, and yuan, effective August 29.

The official dollar rate has been set at 91.4807 roubles, marking an increase of 0.29 roubles from the previous rate. Similarly, the euro rate has risen by 0.20 roubles to 102.2911 roubles. The yuan rate has also seen a slight uptick, increasing by 7 kopecks to 11.7513 roubles.

This adjustment follows the Central Bank’s decision on June 13 to base official dollar and euro rates on reports from banks regarding transactions in the over-the-counter currency market.

The move aims to provide a more accurate reflection of market conditions and enhance transparency in currency exchange rates.

The changes in exchange rates come amid ongoing economic challenges and fluctuations in global currency markets. The Bank of Russia continues to monitor the situation closely to ensure stability and support for the national currency.

Attribution: TASS

Subediting: M. S. Salama

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