UK falling short on 2030 emissions goals – CCC

The UK government is at risk of missing its 2030 climate target, with only a third of the required emissions reductions supported by credible plans, according to the Climate Change Committee (CCC).

Despite halving emissions since 1990, mainly due to phasing out coal and increasing renewable energy, more ambitious actions are needed in transport, buildings, industry, and agriculture.

Professor Piers Forster, interim chair of the CCC, called for urgent action, noting the new government’s opportunity to correct course.

Key recommendations include making electricity cheaper, reversing recent policy rollbacks, tripling annual offshore wind installations, doubling onshore wind installations, increasing solar installations fivefold, and ensuring 10 per cent of homes are heated by heat pumps, compared to the current 1 per cent.

Additionally, the market share of new electric cars must rise from 16.5 per cent to nearly 100 per cent.

The CCC emphasised the importance of a clear commitment and rapid policy action to address the damage caused by previous policy rollbacks. The government is encouraged to re-establish UK leadership in global climate diplomacy at COP29 in November.

Attribution: The Climate Change Committee (CCC).

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