Wadi Group Confirms Its Commitment To Egypt’s Economy

Wadi Holding Group received a high delegation from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to directly know the Group’s progresses made in Egypt; like implementing the criteria of the biosecurity standards on the poultry farms, and using the technique of cooling via evaporating the advanced water to provide the suitable environment and climate for the poultry farms and the greenhouses. These techniques positively reflect of the quality and quantity of production with low cost.

This is the fifth visit that Wadi Group received in the framework of the IFC’s efforts to support the private sector, enhance the investors’ trust and to contribute to developing the local communities. The visit included a tour in Wadi Group’s locations outside Cairo.

Ramzi Nasrallah, Wadi Group’s Vice President, said the IFC is an important partner since years. It provides investments services and consultations that contributed to developing the Group’s work to become leading in the field of agriculture and food industries in Egypt. He underscored the Group’s long-term commitment toward the Egyptian market, and the continuity of utilizing the experiences and strong relations with the international partners to implement the complete strategies of the Group so as  to develop the agricultural and food industries, besides providing job opportunities and supporting the Egyptian economy.

He mentioned that the Group has inaugurated lately a factory for extracting the vegetarian oil, and it is about to open another factor for phosphate and a company for loading and unloading very soon. All these ventures are aiming at supporting the Egyptian economy during this period of economic and political instability.

It is worth noting that the group plans to invest EGP 1.8 billion within the coming five years in the field of logistics and developing the food industries; including poultry sector.

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