World Bank approves $600m for Morocco

The World Bank (WB) has approved $600 million for Morocco to fund two projects to enhance public service delivery, inclusiveness, and public sector performance, WB said in a statement.

The first project, Supporting the Implementation of SOE Reform in Morocco ($350 million), aims to improve governance, restructuring, competitive neutrality, and performance monitoring of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). It will strengthen state ownership functions, enhance governance and management practices of SOEs, monitor performance, including climate impacts, and promote fair competition.

An additional US$250 million will support the Public Sector Performance (ENNAJAA) programme, continuing efforts to enhance performance and transparency in public administration through digitisation and financial management reforms.

These initiatives align with Morocco’s New Development Model, focusing on inclusive, private-sector-led growth. The reforms aim to reconfigure the public portfolio, improve performance, and ensure high-quality public services, supported by increased tax revenues and enhanced municipal finances.

This funding will also promote climate-sensitive and gender-sensitive budgeting, pioneering practices in Moroccan governance by project completion in 2028.

Attribution: World Bank.

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