World Bank: Chad’s economy resilient amid refugee influx

The Sudanese crisis, which began in April 2023, has increased the refugee population in Chad significantly, now hosting 1.1 million refugees and asylum seekers as of December 2023. Despite this influx, Chad’s economy remains resilient, according to the World Bank’s Chad Economic Update 2024.

Chad’s GDP grew by 4.1 per cent in 2023, supported by a 4.4 per cent rise in oil production and robust public investment. The non-oil GDP also saw a growth of 4.1 per cent, with the agricultural sector contributing 1.6 percentage points. The World Bank’s The Economic Update “The Hosting Refugees” in an Inclusive Manner report highlights the necessity of recognising refugees’ economic contributions to enhance their inclusion.

The World Bank emphasises that refugee economic inclusion can be bolstered through improved mobility, asset restoration, and integrated productive strategies. Chad’s 2023 Asylum Law and proactive refugee integration policies demonstrate the government’s commitment to these objectives.

Rasit Pertev, the World Bank’s Country Manager for Chad, calls for national safety net systems that promote economic inclusion for refugees and vulnerable populations, particularly women. The refugee influx has strained food security and basic services, highlighting the need for sustained donor funding for integration into national systems.

Claudia Noumedem Temgoua, Country Economist at the World Bank, urges the development of programs benefiting both host communities and refugees, combining humanitarian and development efforts to support local development and strengthen social cohesion.

Attribution: World Bank

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