Japan starts clinical trials for combination use of Avigan and Futhan to treat coronavirus
Japan has begun on Friday clinical trials of the combined use of two drugs, the anti-flu drug Avigan and Futhan, in the treatment of patients with pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus.
The trials are taking place in the University of Tokyo Hospital, the Japan News reported.
Futhan is a drug for treating acute pancreatitis.
The antiviral drug Avigan, which is also known as favipiravir, has emerged as a potential drug to treat patients infected with the coronavirus in Japan and China. It has been developed by Japanese company Fujifilm Toyama Chemical Company, a unit of Fujifilm Holdings.
A team from the University’s Medical Science has already found that Futhan can possibly prevent the new coronavirus from entering human cells, while Avigan is believed to prevent the growth of virus inside cells.
The clinical trial is conducted on patients ranging between 20 to 74 years old that have been admitted to six hospitals, including the University of Tokyo Hospital. By comparing patients who receive the combination of medications and those who receive only Avigan, the team is set to verify any differences in effectivity and safety between the two groups.