حفلة 2024

U.S. health advisor Fauci enters ‘modified’ quarantine

White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci will follow a “modified” quarantine after “low-risk” exposure to a White House aide who tested positive for coronavirus, an administration official told NBC News.

Fauci is expected to work mostly from home, but may go into his office while observing social distancing and wearing a face mask, the official said.

Fauci is the third high-ranking member of the White House coronavirus task force to enter some form of quarantine.

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, is also expected to self quarantine after exposure to a White House aide who tested positive for coronavirus, two administration officials told NBC News, as is FDA Director Stephen Hahn.

Redfield and Hahn will testify before a Senate hearing on reopening the economy via videoconference from self quarantine Tuesday. Fauci’s quarantine is “modified” because he still plans to testify in person before the Senate hearing, though that is subject to change.

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