Egyptian Journalists Syndicate, TikTok co-operate to foster digital awareness, media literacy

The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate and TikTok announced on Tuesday a new partnership aimed at improving digital literacy and media awareness among journalists and the public. The collaboration will focus on training journalists to identify and combat misinformation, protect online privacy, and effectively utilise digital platforms.

Khaled El-Balshy, head of the Journalists Syndicate, has signed the protocol with Raghdah El-Azab, head of communications at TikTok MENA. The agreement outlines plans for workshops and training sessions that will equip journalists with the skills needed to navigate the digital landscape and produce accurate, trustworthy content.

“The signing of this protocol is an important step in introducing advanced training content that aligns with developments in journalism.” El-Balshy said.

By collaborating with TikTok, he said the Syndicate can provide members with the latest knowledge on digital journalism, artificial intelligence, and misinformation detection.

For this part, El-Azab emphasised TikTok’s commitment to promoting digital literacy and safety. “Promoting digital culture awareness has always been one of our primary goals. We are proud to partner with the Journalists Syndicate, the official body representing numerous opinion leaders and content creators across various media platforms.”

“This collaboration allows us to train more members on digital safety, authentic content identification, and combating misinformation, thus positively impacting their professional performance and enhancing their role in enlightening the community.” El-Azab said.

The partnership includes workshops covering a range of topics, including digital safety, privacy protection, misinformation detection, and the ethical use of AI in content creation. TikTok will also share its platform tools and resources with journalists to help them create engaging and informative content.

This collaboration marks a significant step forward in the fight against misinformation and the promotion of responsible digital citizenship in Egypt.

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