IMF: Fourth review of Egypt reform programme in Q4

The International Monetary Fund is expected to conduct the fourth review of Egypt’s economic reform programme in the final quarter of 2024, IMF Egypt Mission Chief Ivanna Vladkova Hollar said on Tuesday.

“The next fourth review is expected in the fall of the earliest it could happen is September 15th, but we have until the end of the year to complete the review, so sometime between September and December is the timing of the fourth review …” Hollar said during a virtual discussion with the journalists.

The successful completion of this review could authorities to draw the equivalent of about US$1.3 billion (SDR 922.8 million), the IMF official added.

Earlier, the IMF Executive Board announced late Monday the completion of the third review under the Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Egypt, allowing the authorities to draw the equivalent of about US$820 million (SDR 618.1 million).

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