Egypt’s ICT Minister: Microsoft Pumps EGP 25 Mln To Support SMEs

Eng. Atef Helmy, Egypt’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Minister, has announced during his visit to USA that he has agreed with Microsoft Corporation-Seattle to pump EGP 25 million so as to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in mobile phone ,cloud computing applications and also other fields in order to approve Microsoft’s initiative for establishing an Egyptian cloud informatics in the education field ,services for the government and specialized training in these fields.

5000 users will make the best use of these fields as an initial phase and it was agreed to increase Microsoft Corporation investments in innovation and Software development field.

Moreover, Helmy has emphasized that there is a clear commitment and a pledge from Microsoft to increase the number of the Egyptian youth in order to work in development and software fields by doubling the number from 400 professional working in Microsoft centers to 750 professional, pointing out that it was agreed for 10000 specialists in the modern technologies in 8 governorates to train.

Furthermore, 3000 youths will be supported with global certificates in Microsoft software with cost EGP 3 million that is to appoint 300 specialists in Egypt’s Microsoft Centers.

The Minister said there is an initiative in 3 Egyptian universities in abroad such as Alexandria university as the fourth-year students will train in professional specialized training on modern technology, pointing out that the main goals for visiting USA is a reassuring message for global firms for the stability of ICT sector to increase investments in Egypt and increase the employment opportunities and competition spirit for the youths in various fields.

Helmy has illustrated that there are a new services which will be provided for the Egyptian citizen by using a modern technology and also manufacturing tablets with low costs throughout applying ‘Millennium Experience’ a global partnership with Microsoft, UNESCO, Intel Corporation and Aedio Com Indian to produce 11000,000 tablets and to use them in education.

Helmy has demanded from Microsoft’s officials to cooperate in providing community services fields in the remote and marginalized areas to supply information technology IT services as well as IT initiative in order to support special needs people and integrate them with the community so we should focus on youths’ development and provide a  new job opportunities for them.

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