Turkey’s employment rate rises in Q2 ’24

Turkey’s seasonally adjusted employment rate increased to 49.6 per cent in the second quarter of 2024, marking a 0.2 percentage point rise from the previous quarter. The number of employed individuals grew by 205,000 to 32.661 million.

Despite this positive shift, the unemployment rate remained steady at 8.8 per cent, with 3.156 million people unemployed.

The unemployment rate for men was 7.3 per cent, while for women it stood at 11.7 per cent. The youth unemployment rate also saw a rise, reaching 16.3 per cent, up 0.4 percentage points from the previous quarter.

Labour force participation increased to 54.4 per cent, with 35.817 million individuals actively participating in the workforce. The services sector continued to dominate, employing 58.1 per cent of the workforce.

Average weekly working hours increased slightly to 44.0 hours. The composite measure of labour underutilisation rose to 27.3 per cent, reflecting a broader scope of economic challenges.

Attribution: Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT)


Subediting: M. S. Salama

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