EU signs €54m green deals to support Namibia’s green efforts

The European Union (EU) officially launched and signed three EU-funded programmes, committing €54 million (around $60 million)) to support Namibia’s green industrialisation efforts.

The initiatives, part of the EU’s Global Gateway strategy, focus on boosting Namibia’s green hydrogen economy and energy security, aligning with the country’s Vision 2030 and Harambee Prosperity Plan.

The first programme, totalling €50 million, to Namibian and South African green hydrogen investment funds, targeting private sector projects across the hydrogen value chain, including the production, transportation and storage, as well as downstream industries.

Under the EU-GET.transform programme, the second agreement, worth €2.7 million, EU and Germany will aid Namibia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy in expanding renewable energy capacity through creating opportunities for decentralised renewable energy solutions in remote areas.

The final programme, with a grant of €1.2 million, supports the Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme. It aims to ensure that the green hydrogen sector is steered and regulated by an effective support mechanism. Germany and the Netherlands are also key partners in action under the third agreement.

The EU aims to help Namibia strengthen its position in the global energy landscape and achieve long-term prosperity through green industrialisation.

Attribution: The European Commission

Subediting: Y.Yasser

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