ADB launches new country partnership strategy with Fiji

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) unveiled on Tuesday a new country partnership strategy (CPS) with Fiji for 2024–2028 to enhance Fiji’s economic and climate resilience.

The new CPS will build on ADB’s current support for resilient public finances, quality infrastructure, and a sustainable private sector. The partnership will align ADB assistance with Fiji’s National Development Plan 2025-2029.

The CPS will prioritise support for public sector management reforms, improving access to climate-resilient transport infrastructure, and enhancing climate-resilient urban water and wastewater services.

It also emphasises emerging areas of engagement, including coastal protection for vulnerable communities, upgrading national healthcare facilities, and accelerating Fiji’s transition to renewable energy.

The 5-year strategy will assist Fiji’s efforts to enhance climate and disaster resilience through innovative financial solutions, upgrading critical infrastructure, implementing climate policy reforms, and improving access to concessional climate finance.

Attribution: Asian Development Bank report
Subediting: M. S. Salama

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