Thndr sponsors 8th edition of Arab Security Conference

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Thndr, Egypt’s leading investment platform, sponsored the 8th Annual Arab Security Conference. Held at the Nile Ritz-Carlton Hotel on September 22-23, the conference gathered cybersecurity experts to discuss the latest trends and developments.

The event was supported by Ministries of Planning and Economic Development, Finance, and Communications and Information Technology, and Defence and Military Production, as well as the Egyptian Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA). It aimed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within the cybersecurity community. Thndr’s participation aligns with its strategy of supporting Egypt’s cybersecurity ecosystem and technological advancements.

Ahmed Saafan, Thndr’s board member and cybersecurity expert, was part of the conference’s jury, evaluating submissions and selecting speakers and award winners. The conference covered a wide range of topics, including digital security, emerging threats, best practices, national cybersecurity strategies, AI in cybersecurity, data protection, and regulatory compliance.

Thndr was recognised for its ongoing support of the cybersecurity community and active participation in the conference. The event provided a valuable platform for cybersecurity professionals, government officials, and industry leaders to discuss critical issues and share insights.

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