Egypt’s Mobile Market Loses 80.000 Subscribers In April

The number of  Mobile Phone market subscribers has declined with 80.000 subscribers, according to the statistics of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry.

Dr. Amr Badawi, the CEO of the National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA), has emphasized that mobile subscribers declined in Egypt due to the cancelling of repeated data, and the increasing of mobile cards prices to reach EGP 15 for the slide which reduces the number of subscribers.

The indexs of the Ministry revealed that Vodafone subscribers declined around 42.000 subscribers in compared to March 2013, to seize 40.6% of mobile market and it ranked first as the most operator captures the number of subscribers.

Mobinil subscribers boosted with 142.000 within April to make the total subscribers reached 33 million, so it ranked second in mobile phone market with market share about 35% from the total number in Egypt during the first quarter of 2013.

Etisalat Egypt subscribers declined around 105.000 within the same month and it ranked third with 24.2% ratio, the report has explained that the number of Etisalat subscribers are 22.8 million.

Current Share Market

Change Montly Rate

Previous Subscribers

Current Subscribers

The Company


42.000 declined

38.2 million

38.5 million



142.000 Increased

33 million

32.9 million



105.000 declined

22.8 million

22.9 million


40.000 declined

94.46 million

Total Subscribers

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