During the last week’s trading, Telecommunication Sector topped the most active EGX’s volume of trades as it has recorded volume of trades reached 187.3 million securities worth L.E 545.2 million.
The Real Estate sector came next through a volume of trades reached 116.1 million securities worth L.E 305.2 million. Financial Services sector, excluding Banks, came third through a volume of trades amounted to 57.9 million securities worth L.E 178.9 million. Travel & Leisure sector came fourth by a volume of trades reached 24.5 million securities worthe L.E 31 million.
Banks sector was fifth through a volume of trades reached 11 million securities worth L.E 247.8 million. Ranking sixth, Basic Materials sector had a volume of trades reached 10.6 securities worth L.E 71.6 million. Construction and Building Materials sector came seventh by recording a volume of trades reached 10.3 million securities worth L.E 135.9 million.
Coming eighth, Industrial Goods and Services and Automobiles sector recorded a volume of trades reached 9.9 million securities worth L.E 41.3 million. Household and personal products came ninth through a volume of trades reached 8.8 million securities worth L.E 29.3 million.
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals sector came tenth by a volume of trades amounted to 5.8 million securities worth L.E 19.5 million.
Coming eleventh, Food & Beverages sector recorded a volume of trades reached 5.7 million securities worth L.E 22.8 million. Finally, Chemical sector had a volume of trades amounted to 3.7 million securities worth L.E 44.3 million.