Egypt Heads Preparatory Meeting for WTDC in Dubai by March 30

Under the sponsorship of  Arab League, the Egyptian Information and Communication Technology Ministry (MCIT)  hosted the second meeting of World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) will take place at the Dubai World Trade Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 30 March to 10 April 2014The event, which is held once every four years, will take place in the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai World Trade Centre, from March 30 April 10.

The UAE has been selected to host WTDC 2014 as the result of a consultation process with all 192 UN Member States of the ITU and in accordance with the ITU’s constitution and convention.

“The UAE assigns a great deal of value to its ITU membership since joining it in 1972. It is a great honour for the UAE to be selected as hosts for this significant event and is testament to the level of success achieved during 2012 after hosting the UN specialized agency’s largest events,” said Mohamad Ahmad Al-Qamzi, Chairman of the UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.

The Meeting will discuss many topics which have joint internet in order to achieve unified Arab position and prepare for the effective participation of the Arab Group at the World Telecommunication Development.

The events are the World Conference on International Telecommunications in December, the World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly in November and the World Telecommunication in October.

“Chairing an event of this magnitude signifies the confidence that our ITU contemporaries have in the UAE’s ability to facilitate industry defining events with a global reach.

“WTDC-14 will be the perfect precursor to the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 to be held in October and will witness a nomination campaign for UAE’s membership in the ITU Council and Radio Regulation council. We look forward to our involvement in both events with great promise,” Al-Qamzi said.

The conference will also issue a document that will confirm the UAE as the hosting country for the next four years.

It will also create a consolidated and internationally agreed action plan by all member states participating in the conference that will include the outcomes from the conference in addition to the resolutions and objectives set for the ITU efforts towards the development of the ICT sector over the next four years.

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