EU to Follow Up Egypt’s Presidential Polls, Not to Intervene in Any Way

The European Union (EU) delegation will not intervene or monitor the election process in any way, affirmed Chief Observer for Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Egypt for the Presidential Elections Mario David.

The Egyptian people have the final say in the elections, he said, voicing hope that the EU’s impartial assessment would support the elections and the democratic transition in Egypt.

The EU received an invitation from the Egyptian authorities to follow up the presidential polls, he said.

He further said that it is the first time for the EU to send a mission to follow up the elections in Egypt.

A Core Team of ten EU election analysts arrived in Cairo on April 18; they were joined by 30 long-term observers on April 25. 60 short-term observers will be deployed on 21 May. A number of local short-term observers (EU MS diplomats) and a delegation from the European Parliament will be embedded in the EOM, according to a statement issued by the EU Embassy in Cairo.
Source: SIS & MENA

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