Egypt partakes in Union for the Mediterranean-Second DEWoG Meeting

Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information (MCIT) will take part in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM)-Digital Economy and Internet Access Working Group (DEWoG) Meeting, which takes place held in Barcelona, Spain, on April 19-20.

The DEWoG had its inaugural meeting last December in Barcelona. The participating countries agreed by consensus on the DEWoG Rules of Procedures, the DEWoG Work Plan for 2016 and the list of permanent observers to the DEWoG.

During the second DEWoG meeting, the DEWoG experts will discuss the implementation of the Work Plan, confirming and elaborating further the different identified work items, as well as proposing additional actions and projects in line with the mandate of the Working Group.

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is a unique Mediterranean institution bringing together 43 countries (28 EU member states and 15 Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries). It aims at enhancing cooperation and partnership in the Mediterranean through the implementation of specific regional cooperation projects.

Egypt was the co-president from 2008 till 2012. Egypt is also the Arab Coordinator for the South Mediterranean Countries. In light of this cooperation, Egypt participated in several technical events for the output documents to be included in the declaration topics in the UfM Ministerial meeting on the Digital Economy that took place in September 2014, the Southern Mediterranean Dialogue on e-Communications and the Information Society, the Final Exploratory Seminar on e-Signatures for e-Business Transactions in the Southern Mediterranean Region and the Ad-hoc Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) in light of the preparation for the UfM Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting.

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