Al Azhary, ETUF Members Discuss Syndicates’ Laws Amendment

On Wednesday night, the minister of manpower and immigration, Khaled Al Azhary, will receive a number of board members of Egyptian Trade Union Federation (ETUF), headed by Dr Ahmed Abdel Zaher, at the headquarters in Cairo.

The meeting will discuss the views around the labor issues, amending the labor syndicates act no. 35/1976 will top the discussion; which aroused a state of anger between the federation and the ministry.

Through amending law 35, the minister has the right to interfere into the syndicates’ affairs, but this violates the international agreements. In the opinion of ETUF, this will be a way to open the doors for the Muslim Brotherhood to harness the federation. On the other hand, the minister believes that his interference comes according to the law and regulations, and he aims at purifying laws; paving the way for fair elections in the federation.

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