April sees 5.7% decline in Russian steel production

Russian steel production dropped by 5.7 per cent year-on-year to 6.2 million tons in April 2024, and the total output from January to April decreased by 2.5 per cent to 24.6 million tons, according to the World Steel Association (WSA), TASS reported on Wednesday.

In the same month, China’s steel production was 85.9 million tons, a 7.2 per cent decrease compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, India saw an increase of 3.6 per cent with a total output of 12.1 million tons. Japan and the US experienced a decrease in steel production, with outputs of 7.1 million tons (down by 2.5 per cent) and 6.7 million tons (down by 2.8 per cent), respectively.

Steel production in Russia, Ukraine, and other CIS countries totaled 7.4 million tons in April, marking a 3.5 per cent decrease from the same period last year. The total steel production for these countries in the first four months of the year was 29 million tons, a slight decrease of 0.6 per cent.

Globally, steel production in April 2024 amounted to 155.7 million tons, representing a 5 per cent decrease year-on-year.

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