Asian markets advanced on Friday after Wall Street logged a third straight day of gains. Japan’s Nikkei 225 index NIK, +3.88 percent rose 1.2 percent rby midday Friday, and South Korea’s Kospi 180721, +1.86 percent gained 1.7 percent .
While, The Hang Seng HSI, +0.56 percent in Hong Kong advanced 1.2 percent r, while the Shanghai Composite index SHCOMP, +0.26 percent edged up 1.4 percent .
Jakarta’s benchmark JAKIDX, +4.76 percent jumped 7.2 percent and Singapore’s STI, +1.65 percent climbed 2.9 percent. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 XJO, -5.29 percent fell 2.6 percent.