Japan approves 20-year extension for 2 nuclear reactors

Japan’s nuclear regulator has approved the aging No. 3 and 4 reactors at the Takahama nuclear plant to operate for an additional 20 years, according to local media reports on Wednesday cited by Xinhua.

This decision will enable these reactors, located in Fukui Prefecture, to join six others nationwide in receiving extensions after 40 years of service.

The reactors, operated by Kansai Electric Power Company, will reach their 40th anniversaries in January and June 2025. Despite concerns about reactor pressure vessel brittleness due to radiation, the Nuclear Regulation Authority confirmed their safety.

This extension follows a 2011 regulation limiting reactor lifespans to 40 years, extendable to 60 years with approval. In May 2023, Japan introduced a system allowing reactors to operate beyond 60 years.

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