China condemns US export controls

China’s Ministry of Commerce on Sunday strongly criticised the United States for including multiple Chinese entities on its export control list, claiming they are linked to Russia-related activities.

The US Department of Commerce on Friday expanded its trade restrictions to include 105 companies, 42 of which are based in China.

These entities were accused of supporting the Russian military in various ways, from supplying US electronics to producing drones used in the war in Ukraine.

Companies on the “entity list” face significant hurdles in obtaining export licenses from the United States, effectively limiting their access to American technology and components.

In response, China’s Ministry of Commerce asserted that the US actions were detrimental to the global trading system and hindered normal economic cooperation.

The ministry vowed to take appropriate measures to protect the legitimate rights of Chinese companies affected by these restrictions.

Attrribution: Reuters


Subediting: M. S. Salama

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